How to unblock the PIN code of the ID card
See also the video guide
You will need
- ID card and the envelope with PIN and PUK codes
- ID card reader (how to get)
- CryptoCard Monitor (how to install)
Detailed description of actions:
Step 1. Open the envelope and make sure the "Document number" matches your ID card number and your PIN and PUK codes are readable.
Step 2. Insert your ID card into the card reader and wait until the Crypto Card Monitor sign activates, the circles should rotate yellow
first, then red
Step 3. Double-click the left button of the mouse on the icon in the lower-right corner of the screen.
Step 4. Select the ARMID (AuthPIN) line that relates to your authentication certificate.
Step 5. Press Unblock button.
Step 6. Press Yes button.
Step 7. Enter the PUK code in the PUK field.
Step 8. Enter a new password (new PIN code) in the New PIN field. PIN must be at least 4 characters long.
Step 9. Re-enter your new PIN in the confirm field.
Step 10. Press ОК button.
Step 11. Press ОК button.
Step 12. Select the ARMID (SignPIN) line that relates to your digital signature certificate.
Step 13. Press Unblock button.
Step 14. Press Yes button.